University Elementary School Playground Rules
- We keep hands and feet to ourselves.
- We do not play in the bathrooms.
- We leave sticks and rocks on the ground.
- We play and stay within our playground boundaries.
- We do not go behind trees where we cannot be seen.
- We tell an adult if we see a stranger on campus.
- We walk on the blacktop and fake grass area in play structure.
- We run in the running lanes, along the perimeter of the playground, and in the field when dry.
- We eat in designated eating area.
- We play games by school rules.
- We slide down slides and climb up ladders.
- We get permission to pass the red line during recess.
- We freeze when the recess bell rings and then upon signal, immediately put away recess equipment, gather jackets, and walk to classroom line.
- We show respect to our fellow students and adults.
- All games are open to everyone, with the only exception being Intramural Sports held twice a
- week during lunch recess.
- We only use kind words.
- We solve disagreements by using our words, voting and/or rock, paper, scissors.
- We give "I messages."
University Elementary School Playground Discipline Policy
When students break school rules they will be given a verbal warning. After a verbal warning students will be asked to take a one to three minute think time. Students may do their thinking sitting OR walking the perimeter of the playground. Students will then return to the adult and share what the better choice would have been. Students who continue to ignore school playground rules, as well as any student who places their hands or feet on another student to cause physical harm or otherwise will visit the principal to go over playground rules, complete a Seawolf Lifeskill form, and the parent of both the victim and the students causing the harm will be called. California Education Code and CRPUSD Board Policy will be followed.