PTA is an organized group of parents and teachers that work together for the benefit of UELF. Taking an active role in your children's school is critical for their success. We've compiled a list of 10 reasons why joining the PTA will greatly improve your child's education experience.

1. Research has proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and in school. Grades are higher, test scores rise, self-esteem grows and schools improve.
2. Schools are collaborating with PTA to support site visions. The PTA at UELF is responsible for the schools fundraising revenue. Our PTA provides support to teacher and administrators and creates a caring and supportive atmosphere in the school. Fundraisers remain important to improving the quality of the school overall. Our fundraisers help to support many activities during the school year. These include but are not limited to hosting and organizing the annual Walk-a-thon, our primary fundraiser.
3. It's fun! You'll connect with a group of people who are all concerned with creating a better environment for their children. You will help plan fun events, socials, and get-togethers that the whole family can attend.
4. To meet other parents. You can learn so much from other PTA members and even make new friends. This is your chance to share ideas, concerns and experiences - a chance you might not have otherwise.

5. UELF PTA events help to provide additional educational experiences for our children. Some events are the Book Fair, Family Maker Nights, and Family Fun Nights; as well as funding a portion of our Field Trips. The PTA has purchased the Sound System for the MU, a Laminating Machine, a Book Binder, 3-D Printers, Poster Maker Machine, Assemblies (Caine Monroy, Ane Roveta), Classroom Maker Supplies, Office Supplies, PE and Recess Equipment. PTA hosts ice cream socials, potluck dinners, 2nd cup of coffee and teacher appreciation events.
6. It helps to attract students to our school. Prospective kindergarten parents consider the PTA membership count to gauge parent participation, and thus student success at the school.
7. The primary mission of the PTA is to advocate for ALL children. Why is this important to you? We, as a society, need to understand that ALL children really are our future. We need to make sure that ALL children will become contributors to our society, because we never know who will be affecting us in the future.
8. Leverages Volunteer Power. PTA organizes hard-working and dedicated volunteers. Parents are ready and willing to help implement school improvement programs and be more involved in classrooms.
9. By joining UELF's PTA, you're simply saying, "Yes, I support our children and public schools!
A common misconception about the PTA is that all we do is organize fundraisers. Fundraising is an important and integral part of UELF's PTA. The funds raised by PTA help support many needed programs within the school. But, you don't have to like or even be good at fundraising to participate in the PTA. By being a member of and attending PTA meetings you provide a voice as to how the funds that are raised should be spent within our school.
Even if you can't make the meetings, you are welcome to join the PTA and participate at whatever level works for you. There are many events throughout the year that range from morning socials with the principal, daytime workshops for the students, and evening family fun nights. The more volunteers we have, the larger our community becomes and the better we support our students and school.