Positive Paws

Positive Paws

At University Elementary, we are committed to the growth of responsible, productive citizens. We have adopted 3 +1 pillars, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBE, SAFE, KIND, to employ school-wide as the foundation for positive, valued relationships among members of our school community. The following guidelines govern our actions and interactions at University Elementary:

Trustworthiness - To act in a manner that makes one worthy of trust and confidence

Truthfulness - To be honest about all things and feelings with oneself and others

Active Listening - To listen with the intention of understanding what the speaker intends to communicate

No Put Downs -To never use words, actions, and/or body language that degrade, humiliate, or dishonor others

Personal Best - To do one's best given the circumstances and available resources

In addition, students, staff, and volunteers involved in University Elementary practice an agreed-upon set of twenty Lifeskills. The Lifeskills are taught explicitly to students and are rehearsed throughout the year. These Lifeskills replace the traditional "rules" of discipline programs and provide a safe environment for creating and maintaining a sense of community. As students master these Lifeskills overtime, we believe they will be prepared with the behaviors of civil discourse that are the foundation of citizenship.

Lifeskills for Citizenship: University Elementary


In addition, students, staff, and volunteers involved in University Elementary practice an agreed-upon set of twenty Lifeskills. The Lifeskills are taught explicitly to students and are rehearsed throughout the year. These Lifeskills replace the traditional "rules" of discipline programs and provide a safe environment for creating and maintaining a sense of community. As students master these Lifeskills overtime, we believe they will be prepared with the behaviors of civil discourse that are the foundation of citizenship.

Lifeskills are celebrated at University Elementary every Tuesday at All School Assemblies and classroom meetings through Positive Paws and Wolfbucks.


Caring - To feel and show concern for others

Common Sense - To use good judgment

Cooperation - To work together toward a common goal or purpose

Courage - To act according to one's beliefs despite fear of adverse consequences

Creativity - To imagine ways to solve a problem or produce a product; to invent something original or redesign something

Curiosity - A desire to investigate and seek understanding of one's world

Effort - To do your best

Flexibility - To be willing to alter plans when necessary

Friendship - To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring

Initiative - To do something, of one's own free will, because it needs to be done

Integrity - To act according to a sense of what's right and wrong

Organization - To plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use

Patience - To wait calmly for someone or something

Perseverance - To keep at it

Pride - Satisfaction from doing one's personal best

Problem Solving - To create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems

Resourcefulness - To respond to challenges and opportunities in innovative and creative ways

Responsibility - To respond when appropriate; to be accountable for one's actions

Sense of Humor - To laugh and be playful without hurting others